
Showing posts from October, 2018

Robert Ingpen and Haruko Ichikawa

Robert Ingpen is an extremely talented artist especially among his commercial book work. However commercial work is not all he does, he has done several independent drawings that are very beautifully colored and have a hazy storybook quality to them which can look very beautiful especially among his landscape drawings. His art is beautiful however I can't help but feel that his fine art doesn't hold a narrative on it's own, his works are tied together and don't stand apart easily. Haruko Ichikawa on the other hand is a bit more tricky to research as she is a Japanese manga artist and not really a artist who works in the fine art scene, however her ink drawings are extremely beautiful as many Japanese manga artist as the art standard is so high (no mob psycho 100 doesn't count) however her art captures my heart is a strange way that other manga does not, it feels simple but not because the artist isn't talented and clearly from her upload schedule it isn't t
Joseph Turner Project 2 Featured Artist Number 1: Gerald Davis Gerald Davis is an artist who draws and paints ugliness, sexuality, and the negative things in life. I personally describe his art as psychopathic. His renderings are really well done and he seems to draw everything he does directly from his twisted memory. Most of the work you will see of Davis is abstract oil paintings which really invoke pain and agony of the deepest nature or his monotone drawing/oil paintings of twisted symbols from his mind and the world around him. His style borders on realist but it has a surreal dreamlike quality which I think is deeply intentional. Davis is not afraid to express his deepest fears, regrets, and complexities and I highly respect that. Featured Artist Number 2: Walton Ford Walton Ford is an artist who draws and paints flora and fauna at an expert level. The three pieces shown here are actually drawings which comes as a shock to those who see Ford's work. Ford takes in