Joseph Turner Project 2

Featured Artist Number 1: Gerald Davis

Gerald Davis is an artist who draws and paints ugliness, sexuality, and the negative things in life. I personally describe his art as psychopathic. His renderings are really well done and he seems to draw everything he does directly from his twisted memory. Most of the work you will see of Davis is abstract oil paintings which really invoke pain and agony of the deepest nature or his monotone drawing/oil paintings of twisted symbols from his mind and the world around him. His style borders on realist but it has a surreal dreamlike quality which I think is deeply intentional. Davis is not afraid to express his deepest fears, regrets, and complexities and I highly respect that.

Featured Artist Number 2: Walton Ford

Walton Ford is an artist who draws and paints flora and fauna at an expert level. The three pieces shown here are actually drawings which comes as a shock to those who see Ford's work. Ford takes inspiration from political and environmental issues and species relationships (usually man and beast). Ford is known to morph his subject animals to have a more human aura, making the audience both empathize with the subject and have an uncanny feeling. His projects range in theme from serious to comedic and one gets the feeling that he's not really defending the animals he portrays, but celebrating them and expressing a great amount of care and respect for them in his painstakingly perfect execution.


  1. I'm now fascinated by Gerald Davis. I think it's cool that he works with the negative aspects of life and turns them into incredible works of art. His dreamy style is very captivating and definitely
    draws the audience in.


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