Sebastian Kruger and Rob Gonsalves

Sebastian Kruger is a German caricature and surreal artist who specializes in drawing and painting celebrities. I first learned of him through seeing his Keith Richards caricature on a Russian postcard my uncle found somewhere. He has created over 800 caricatures of various celebrites and musicians throughout his career. I was instantly drawn to his style especially in how he can show remarkable realism as well as complete distortions of his subjects. My personal favorite is the Keith Richards, because at first it can actually be mistaken for a photograph, until you realize that no one's jaw can bend like that. I find his work very humorous but also capturing a sense of truth to the characters he chooses. I love how he snapshots the actions of his pieces and faithfully depicts them in his own strange lens. 

Rob Gonsalves was a Canadian artist who created optical illusions in his pieces. I chose him because his work is very unique and carries a very charming aesthetic within his body of work. He has written and illustrated children's books throughout his career which only further drives the playfulness and imaginative depictions in his pieces. He developed his style from a strong architectural background as well as from other surrealist artists such as MC Escher and Salvador Dali. I personally love how well executed the transformations are in each piece. In particular how at first the illusion is not recognized until the eyes travel over the entire setting. I appreciate how intricate and deliberate every small change is implemented as well as how vibrant and inviting the colors are. His style of fantastical imagination really mimics the imagination of a child daydreaming. I find his capturing of that to be incredibly endearing as it makes you feel like a kid again.


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