UNM gallery- Sheri Crider

For this assignment, I chose to visit the UNM Art Museum and the exhibit Flight by Sheri Crider. The exhibit had this drawing that intrigued me. This piece is called Cibola Detention Center, Five Years, $150mil, Silence Still Equals Death.” It is made of gouache and enamel. What drew me to the piece was the bright orange featured. It takes up the majority of the page and is a very eye catching color. She also has many different shades of orange in the landscape. The “sand” is orange but it is not a solid color and has dimension within it. This also is seen within the sky. The sky is blue but it is all different tones of blue. I like that the landscape is very tonal yet the object in the piece are very solid and flat. The cactus in particular is very solid and has only one tone. The same goes for the building structure. The background and landscape also show off the brush strokes and texture. The tower and cactus do not do that and are smooth. I really like this difference in textures. I think it creates an interesting dynamic that I personally would like to explore more. I have always been very attracted to pieces with a lot of texture or different textures so this really stood out to me. I like that it is not a perfectly rendered, realistic piece. I personally do more illustrative work and this piece captures that style. The audience can still tell it is a desert scene with a tower but, they can not pinpoint each individual grain of sand or rock.


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